[Working] 1Movies Proxy 2022 – Proxy/Mirrors To Unblock 1Movies.tv

Stuart Williams By Stuart Williams
6 Min Read
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Do you love Torrent sites? Or online streaming sites? Today we are going to discuss about the same and gonna sort all your problems if you are facing any sort of problem while accessing them. That’s this article is all about.

These streaming sites are a great source of entertainment, and if you have ever used a good streaming site with awesome interface, then you would have known that watching movies is extremely awesome on these sites. 1Movies being one of the best and most popular online streaming sites for movies has great features. Along with that, it has got a huge database of files that you can find any file out there and start watching your favorite movies right away.

Being free, it has been a go-to destination for all movies. Any user who is a die-hard fan of watching movies and TV Shows would surely know this place. But there has occurred a serious problem nowadays.

Most of the countries have introduced laws to fight piracy. Govt has issued a notification to order all ISPs to block access to the sites which promote piracy in any form. So, torrent sites and these online streaming sites are no different. Users have reported that access to the main URL of 1Movies (https://1movies.tv) has been blocked and they are not able to access the site anymore. Hence they can’t enjoy free time watching their favorite movies and TV Shows. As a result of which, users are jumping here and there to find a working solution to the problem.

Moreover, being so popular, 1Movies has been first on the radar to get blocked whenever there is any update in terms of overcoming piracy. Copyright holders are continuously filing complaints against 1Movies to take the site down. They also report to the search engine by filing DMCA complaints so that they can be removed from search results. More on this later. Now, there is no way to access 1Movies than to get 1Movies unblocked. There is a lot of 1Movies alternatives too for this.

One of the most popular ways of accessing blocked sites like 1Movies is to use VPN Services. VPN helps you to change your IP Address so that your ISP can’t detect you. VPN serves you the contents you requested from another location. First, they load the webpage at their end, then sends the same copy to your place.

There are disadvantages of using VPN. First, they are costly when you are already here to watch your movies for free, why one will buy a subscription to watch the movies. Secondly, they make anything you browse slower in speed. However you can check out some free solutions like ZenMate VPN.

Another working method which we recommend is to use 1Movies proxy/mirror sites. Now you might be thinking what is a mirror or proxy site and how it can help with 1Movies access, Right?

Well, Proxy/Mirror sites are just a clone of original site which uses the same database but under a different name. Plus, these proxy sites are managed by official 1Movies staff. They update the latest stuff like movies and TV Series regular on these clone sites.

If you want the same site like 1Movies, then it is recommended to use 1Movies proxy sites. Moreover, unlike the original site, they are exposed to a limited number of users hence resulting in less traffic and fast speed — anything you try to download from these sites downloads with super-fast speed.

We know that these ISPs are continuously looking for sites which promote piracy and block them. The same case is with these proxy stories too. One day or other, they are identified by these ISPs and hence gets blocked.

What’s the solution then? The solution is to have a source where updated and fresh list of working proxy sites are updated. So, whenever you feel anything to download or stream, just head over to that place and access the 1Movies without any disruption.

Now, let’s see the list given below for 1Movies proxy sites. We have the updated list of 1Movies mirror sites. We recommend you to prioritize the list from top to bottom. Most of the working sites will be found on the top. Here we go:

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That’s pretty much of it. Please use this list to enjoy your time watching your favorite movies and TV Shows. Tell us how you liked the article. If you are still facing the problem, then please let us know in the comment section below. We will be more than happy to help you out. That’s all.

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