What is Traffic Affiliate Marketing?

Issac Glantz By Issac Glantz
5 Min Read
what is traffic affiliate marketing featured

Traffic affiliate marketing is a process that allows you to earn on the price difference. You buy traffic at a low price and resell it at a higher price. Do not confuse affiliate marketing and CPA affiliate programs. With affiliate programs, you sell the company’s product for a certain commission while with CPA marketing, you get paid for actions of potential customers. In traffic affiliate marketing, the affiliate company does not sponsor advertising in any way, but pays only for referred customers. Therefore, the traffic source is chosen by the affiliate specialist independently:

  • direct – when users manually enter the address of the web resource of interest;
  • paid – users get to the site after clicking on an advertising banner;
  • referral – users follow links in applications or on the affiliate marketer’s website;
  • social networks — users see product ads on social networks;
  • unknown – when it is difficult to determine the traffic source;
  • organic – when users come to the site from search results.

Who is an affiliate marketer and what do they do?

Affiliate marketer is a specialist who attracts customers to the client’s website. They set up and launch advertising for their own money, and direct the received traffic to the client’s web resource. The affiliate marketer receives payments for their work. Often, specialists do not work directly with advertisers, but through a CPA network where you can choose your favorite program for promotion and work with it.

They say an affiliate marketer is somewhat similar to a regular marketer. Yes, both of them use various marketing tools, online advertising, and content in their work. But an affiliate specialist must have an analytical mindset in order to track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, be able to determine the target audience, and also select the appropriate promotion method. Being engaged in affiliate marketing, you do not depend on anyone, unlike a regular marketer who is tied to the implementation of a certain plan.

How to get started in affiliate marketing

At first glance, it seems to beginners that it is easy to be an affiliate marketer: you launch advertising, attract customers, and receive money. But it does not happen like this. First, you need to find a niche you will be comfortable to work in, study the market and get used to some working moments. A great specialist has an understanding of how to attract traffic from completely different sources: contextual and targeted advertising, websites, YouTube, email newsletters.

If you want to get involved in affiliate marketing for the first time, or you have little experience, pay attention to CPA networks. All processes are already organized on such platforms, so you do not have to search for customers or projects on your own. Moreover, there are managers in CPA networks who will help you to get started for the first time. After you gain experience, you can safely start working directly with companies.

Traffic affiliate marketing has its advantages. For example, you have a free schedule and work does not depend on the time of day or day of the week. You work for yourself, receive an unlimited number of orders and, as a result, a high income. Of course, as in any business, affiliate marketing has its own nuances. You will need to invest in advertising. And many people make the mistake of starting with large sums right away. Without experience, you can not only lose money, but also not get the desired result. Precisely in order to prevent this, start working with commodity affiliate programs.

Traffic affiliate marketing is not the same as affiliate programs. Here, you need to carefully analyze advertising campaigns in order to attract customers and earn money. Collaborate with CPA networks for the first time, they will help you find customers and tell you which direction to work in.

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