How To Write In Hindi Text In Photoshop? Easy Guide!

Stuart Williams By Stuart Williams
3 Min Read
how to write in hindi text in photoshop featured

Hey everybody, today we are going to tell you show you how you can write in Hindi in Photoshop. We know the pain when we want to write in Hindi in Adobe Photoshop and while writing, those ugly markups shows up. You don’t know what to do in such a situation.

So, would you like to play tricks? Like writing in any available online tools in Hindi and then paste it into Photoshop? Well, that’s not going to work.

You will try to download some tools which can write in Hindi on your PC and try to write again in Hindi, but it will also not work.

Try writing in Notepad and copy pasting into Photoshop now, well, this will also won’t work anymore.

Finding yourself in such a dilemma where you can’t do anything and really want to write in Hindi in Photoshop is really painful.

How To Write In Hindi Text In Photoshop

Well, after a long process of struggle and research, we have finally managed to find a awesome Adobe Photoshop PSD Template which will directly help you to write in Hindi and get your work done.

You can then copy the text from there and paste it into your original worksheet.

For this you will need to download a tool with the help of which you can directly write in Hindi on your PC and get the work done.

For this we are gonna download Google Input Tools with Hindi Typing support.

You can download Google Input Tools from Here.

Now install it into your PC and switch to Hindi Typing from your system tray icon. All done.

Now you can download this PSD template to type Hindi in Photoshop directly.

You can download Hindi Supporting PSD template from here.

Just open the Hindi PSD Template in your Photoshop and begin writing Hindi and then copy and paste the text into your original worksheet.

All done. Hope you have completed Hindi typing of you have followed steps exactly as we told.

Final Thought

Getting typing done in Hindi in Photoshop is really a time consuming task. You can download this tools and template and enjoy writing in Hindi in Photoshop and in your PC for other works too.

Hope you liked the article and enjoyed it, please share it on your Facebook timeline and help us to help others if they want to write in Hindi Text in Photoshop.

Thanks Bye, You are Awesome. Keep visiting intHow Blog for all amazing tutorials on technology and other stuffs. Bye, :D.

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Hey, I'm Stuart, a tech enthusiast and writing expert. With a passion for technology, I specialize in crafting in-depth articles, reviews, and affiliate content. In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, I've witnessed how the age of the internet has transformed technology journalism. Even in the era of social media and video marketing, reading articles remains crucial for gaining valuable insights and staying informed. Join me as we explore the exciting realm of tech together!
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